The years that we lived in England as expats it was a bit surprising to me how unfamiliar it felt to return for visits to the United States and  how comfortingly normal life felt when we arrived back in the UK. It was curious and amusing. Having gone back  for the first time after living in Spain for 3 years it feels profound. Still curious, still amusing; but there has been a deep shift at my core that there was not before.

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Going back gave me a chance to step out of the currents of life here. The slow, powerful and enchanting currents which have drawn us in and become so sweetly familiar. Stepping out  of these currents as it turns out was often neither easy nor pleasant, and the inner unsettling mirrored itself in experiences I encountered on my journey. There were times I felt assaulted by the starkness of how basely different my day to day life is now in our new home.

 I return from my journey feeling peaceful, awake, and vibrant.

It isn’t just an affirmation of love for where and how we live, but a gaining of respect for forgotten achievements and successes of my past; the strength and vision which led me to this life. Living in a vastly different culture it is easy to fall into the trap of always feeling one step behind.  Stumbling over yourself in an embarrassing attempt to speak the language and desperate gestures pleading to be understood challenges any sense of intelligence you once held for yourself. It is easy to forget what it took to get here and how much of a success every moment of just being here is. I remember now.


Grateful to return to these slow, powerful currents. Ready to be enchanted.