That’s what happened. After my last post when I gave my first video update my world blew up. Just a couple of weeks after making the video and confidently stating that I could still walk without mobility aids, I once again began to need a wheelchair to walk more than a few feet. A month after that our home was made suddenly uninhabitable when a contractor hired by the landlord sprayed an unlicensed unregistered pesticide in our apartment, causing me to go into a severe MCAS crisis. 5 days before Christmas with a massive winter storm barreling down on the region and our family was homeless. My health, which was already in rapid decline, spiraled downhill even faster. By the time we had found a safe home after sleeping on a leaky air mattress in my granddaughter’s room at my daughter’s place for a month, I was once again primarily bed bound, unable to attend to my most basic of needs. Like I said… my world well and truly blew up.

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